Friday, October 2, 2009


9/15/09 - Thanks for the bears, Jim and Linda!
Doug dropped Brenden off at the bus stop
and then went fishing.
He was supposed to be home in time for dinner...
... can you tell he wasn't?
Yesterday there were three moose outside...
... so the boys watched them from the safety of the swing set.
Newman - usually he chases the moose all over the neighborhood. He was surprisingly calm.

Yesterday we had a bit of excitement around here. We have been trying to conserve energy and build a fire every morning to heat the house. Doug built the fire, we got Brenden out the door, I threw another log on the fire, and then Mandi from the Alaska Special Education department stopped by. Mandi had barely sat down when suddenly, there was a snapping sound and a fire-engulfed round log came rolling out of the fireplace and onto the floor. In order to save my new carpet, I immediately rolled it onto the rug and ran for water. Mandi beat the fire with I don't know what and then inteligently picked it up by it's ends and put it on the tile by the fireplace. Eventually, we got the log back in the fire and the only harm done was to the rug, some minor charred ends on the carpet... and my fingers.
Three of them had black all over them yesterday. I scrubbed them until they were raw but no longer black. This one finger is the worst. It still has some black on the end. Do you know how hard it is to take a picture of your right hand with a big, heavy camera?

This morning as I made crescent rolls, I was a little homesick - not sick for another home, but sick for the people I love. As I twirled, getting butter on the ceiling in true Aunt Carolyn style, I missed watching to see how many crescents Greg could down and the smell of Sheryl and Carolyn's kitchen on crescent days. Why can't you all just move to me? Then I can have the place I love AND the people I love.

Now that it is October - I am decorating for Halloween. Yippee!! I love Halloween.


Landon and Mandi said...

Well we miss your food!! Yummy. Got any new recipes?? Every time I make biscuits I think of you!! And feel guilty when people love the biscuits so I always tell them they are yours!! You coming this way soon????

Alicia J said...

First, OUCH! I'm impressed you made crescent rolls with fingers looking like that. Second, hooray for Halloween. I personally am not a fan but know you love it. May your days be filled with lots of orange and lots of happiness.

Amy said...

Ouch! I hope those fingers heal soon!

Leacayoungart said...

Great fall shots of the boys.

Anonymous said...

Erin, are the cooked fingers to go with the rolls??? I thought it quite the halloween menu. Sorry you got burned,I hope you soaked them in cold water a long time! The pictures of the boys are so cute, they are handsome little guys, we love you. Gma and Gpa Boehme

Anonymous said...

YOOOOOUCCH! That looks so painful! Love the fall photos of the kids. They are so adorable.