Sunday, January 24, 2010


I have been avoiding my blog lately.  For some reason, I just can't seem to want to upload photos.  I think it's because I don't want to go through all of them and decide which ones I actually want to put on - and then export them from iPhoto -  and then upload them to blogger - and then put them into the blog.  It's just a lot of steps.  I guess I've been lazy.  Forgive me.  I will try to redeem myself right now.

Leaca, a "camera dump," as I call it, is when I go through the pictures on all of our cards and dump them here, in mass quantities, for all to see.  Here we go...

January 1 - New Year's with the Leys
We spent the night at the Ley's on New Year's Eve.  The kids had a party in the basement and we adults were up until 5:00 upstairs.  Then we spent the day sledding.
Ethan and Nolan on the snow machine

Me and Tiffany

Nolan attempting to keep warm

Ethan and me - getting a push-start from Jeremy

Brenden catching some air

Jeremy, Gavin, and Izzy

Tiff hauling Izzy back uphill

The easy way back up the sledding hill

January 2 the Leys should have just spent the night at our house.  They left at 11:00 on the 1st and were back the next afternoon for some ice fishing and games.

Ethan enjoyed Scrabble

Doug handed him some random letters...

and all on his own he spelled...

We were all very impressed.
January 9 - Noon in Alaska

January 11 - It's so hard to be two.

January 23 - Tustumena 200 dog sled race.  You wouldn't know it from 3/4 of the pictures, but our whole family was there.  Ethan certainly had the most fun - the party pooper named Brenden spent quite a bit of his time in the car.  In his defense, he did step onto the trail and almost got run over by a team of dogs, so I might have sent myself to the car too.  Nolan and I were off checking out the dogs on our own for a while, so even though he didn't make it to many of the pictures, he had a good time.

The teams were tied to their cars in the parking lot waiting to be escorted to the starting line.

The dogs look so excited to race!

Ethan loved being at the starting line

and being so close to the dogs

and yelling, "Go, dog, GO!"

Nolan, Ethan, and Brenden found a good out of the way spot.

Ethan thought the whole day was a blast!

On our way home, we found this ice sculpture.


The Porter Family said...

That looks like so much fun! It amazes me where the sun is at noon there. Wow. :) Keep the camera dump coming....

Alicia J said...

I love that Ethan spelled bacon. I have a feeling he and I would get along great!

Marinda said...

Looks like you guys had tons of fun! Too bad it also looks FREEZING COLD! Way to troop out into the arctic weather.

Anonymous said...

Ha - we took pictures at that same sculpture. I KNEW I had seen it somewhere before when we passed it!