Saturday, August 16, 2008

Halibut fishing in Homer

August 9, Doug, his dad, and brother Greg left at 4:00 a.m. to go halibut fishing in Homer. Unfortunately for Doug, we were up until 1:00 looking for our missing dog, Newman. That is a whole other story though. The boys had a great day. They each caught 2 halibut and Greg caught 2 salmon and the other guys caught 1.
Morning in Homer
Sunrise on the ocean
Two thumbs up - Way up!

They were incredibly close to several whales.
Greg driving the boat - SCARY. Who let him do that?
Reelin' in the big one.
Silver Salmon
The boys fishing
Doug's halibut
Greg and his halibut. Is that not the scariest looking fish ever? Or really just disgusting?
The other side of the halibut - much less scary.
Grant's halibut
Grant's salmon
Greg weighing in his salmon. He was only 1/2 lb short of winning the daily derby.

Now, about Newman. There are 3 little boys down the street who wander the neighborhood as if they have no parents. As a matter of fact, I have not seen any parents. Evidently, they have been trying to claim Newman as their own. They have been taking him home at night to sleep at their house. We were up until 1:00 looking for him and never found him. At 6:00 a.m. he was on the deck howling. The next night he was gone too. The third night, I walked down to what I thought was their house and knocked on the door. It was 11:00 p.m. 3 little boys answered the door and I heard one of them say, "Uh oh, Newman, you have to go home." I asked them to PLEASE not take my dog in their house. The next night Newman was gone, so I walked down again and they were in the garage with the hose water running (they told me they were trying to flood their garage) and they were teasing Newman with their cat. They said, "Well, we didn't take him in our house!" These boys are 6 and twin 5 year olds wandering around in what essentially is the wild. We have moose and bears here and I have never seen these kids with a parent. I was looking for friends for Brenden, but I am not sure these are the kind of friends I want him to have.
So, after being up all night, Doug threw up all day. They all decided it was a good way to attract fish.


Anonymous said...

We went halibut fishing when we were up in Alaska - it was a lot of fun! And fresh caught halibut is very tasty (though I agree with you - I like looking at the bottom side of the fish better too).
Sorry about the dog and the feral kids... I hope they don't cause you any more trouble.

JoLynne said...

That really cracks me up-poor Newman is just too irresistable. And yes that is the ugliest fish I have ever seen but I bet it sure tastes yummy.

Landon and Mandi said...

That halibut is one ugly fish!! I will try not to think about it next time I eat one!! Looks like they had fun.