Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I am utterly embarrassed.  I told Doug I wasn't posting this because I was too embarrassed, but I can't seem to keep things to myself.

As you are all fully aware, yesterday was President's Day.  Sunday we told Brenden that he could stay up as late as he wanted because he didn't have school.  I watched a movie with the family instead of doing my seminary lessons for the week.  It was a nice, relaxing day.

I got an email around 12:30 yesterday from Brenden's teacher asking if he was sick.  Uh... huh?  Turns out there WAS school yesterday.  I flew down the stairs and told Brenden I was sorry, get dressed, and get in the car!  I made him a quick lunch and he ate it in the car on the way to school.  He was there by 1:00, but had a short school day.  This morning I had to profusely apologize to my seminary students who showed up at 6:30 to no teacher and a locked classroom.

I am so embarrassed!  What a day!


Anonymous said...

What!?! I thought all schools and government buildings were closed on President's Day? We may have to take Alaska off our 'Places to Possibly Move' list.

Koren said...

Well, don't feel too bad. We all need something in our lives to keep us humble. Perhaps Alaska is so backward they don't know what President's Day is?

Alicia J said...

I'm shocked they didn't have President's Day off. I would have done the same thing.

Emily Hurtado said...

You have no reason to be embarassed. That is totally insane that they don't have the day off!! Maybe they are boycotting since Sarah Palin didn't get elected as VP? Crazy Alaskans.

KBlack said...

Hey, that really stinks, I know we've all been there. Aunt Sheryl gave me your blog. You are the cutest. Jen wanted to email you about your possible trip to Seattle. They would love to have you at their place. Her email is jenboehme@gmail.com

She'd love to hear from you. Isn't blogging the greatest. We have one too.

Nolo and Lauren said...

Don't worry about it... Everyone has these days. Heck I ended up working on the holiday, even though I had it off. Totally forgot.

Oscarson Photography said...

Don't be too embarrassed, we had the day off, but no one around us seemed to!!